kahak news

At the same time as the holy defense week, 11 children of the self-sacrificing children of the municipality of Kohak became the status quo.

*At the same time as the holy defense week, 11 of the self-sacrificing children of the municipality of Kahek became the status.*
According to the public relations report of the Municipality of Kokhek, at the same time as the Holy Defense Week, by the order of the mayor of Kokhek, the contract of 11 municipal workers who were children of the martyrs of the Holy Defense was changed from a company to a definitive official.
Reza Shekari, the mayor of Kohak, further stated that keeping the culture of holy defense alive is the light of soft war and we all have a duty to be narrators of the bravery of martyrs during the time of holy defense and the defense of Ahl al-Bayt shrine.
Shekari stated: Keeping alive the memory of the hard war is like a beacon for the time when soft war or combined war is taking place, and it makes us not to confuse friend and enemy and to know that the people who fought against us yesterday are today. They are fighting with another tool, and the weapons and tools of soft war and combined war today have more variety than the weapons of hard war, and we must be prepared against these weapons by raising the awareness of the new generation.

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